Players roll under their str or dex for melee and ranged attacks respectively. There are some fiddly edge cases, but they aren't stuffed into this player facing cheat sheet.
If the target is particularly strong the gm asks the player to add the difference between their HD to the roll. Some...
There's some survivorship bias inherent in situations like yours. If all the players you're interacting with have a 20+year relationship to the game, their gripes with it are unlikely to be structural. They bought into the premise years ago and now all that's left are course corrections. If any...
The developer issue is a market one, not a totalitarian one. There's simply more sales to be won with these changes than lost. Osr grognards who don't like change won't buy 6e books anyway. At some point the only vote WOTC understands is a wallet. The slippery slope reactionary impulse is...
You've got it backwards. It's not about intentionality or design. This is a user feedback issue. It's valid for someone new to the hobby to interpret racial subtext when they play and reject the game going forwards. It's valid for communities of players and developers to realign their games to...
I am excited for the kickstarter! Looks great I love that artist.
I have done social media advertising for work before, growing a twitter account from 0 to 20k followers, building a discord & youtube channel, etc. I don't think I have time (or the inclination) to do it all again but I'm happy...
In my experience is better than dtrpg in almost every aspect but they don't offer print on demand. I think dtrpg probably has a higher top end if you have a good product and a big marketing budget.
Never worked with lulu or exalted funeral but I think EF is the easiest path to indie...
We can be forgiving in this instance since it's a contest specifically to showcase the system. But this is a great idea and if you rerelease this for general audiences definitely implement it.
So, I understand there are lots of compromises here because of the page restriction. There are many places where additional whitespace would be appreciated but would not fit. I'm sure you are already aware. I think If you were to redo it it could be in 10-12 pages comfortably. Entry 6 is a good...
When it comes down to it, if the PC's do all the leg work to make a crazy plan that kills the boss NPC and it doesn't go horribly wrong... I'd just let the guy die. I don't really feel like a table needs to come into this. I love cockamamie schemes that's basically what I build my games around...
What does the assassin supply that the thief cannot do? What does the assassination table provide that sneak attack doesn't? Everything associated with assassins: Poison, guilds, etc are just window dressing imo.
I just finished my grad school semester. Won't start again until the fall so I should have some stuff to talk about.
Here's a nice discussion topic for you guys: Which classes do you tend to play with in your games? I like keeping things simple with just the original 7 from basic, then I tend...
Unfortunately they suppress this in almost all penitentaries and county jails in the US. They deny dice because of "gambling risk" and acquiring rulebooks is next to impossible for inmates. I volunteer for a nonprofit that sends books to prisoners upon request and they're always asking for the...
D&D is used extensively in childcare for these same purposes. It's a safe haven for many kids at hospitals, libraries, community centers, schools, etc.