General Discussion


8, 8, I forget what is for
I think @squeen means the existence of the spell begs to be abused, not that it begs for players/DMs to make abusive use of it.

Its just so much the opposite of what I hear grogs complaining about when they complain about WotC's perceived politics.
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My my my, we just loooove to hear ourselves don't we?
I think @squeen means the existence of the spell begs to be abused, not that it begs for players/DMs to make abusive use of it.
I am not quite sure I grasp the distinction. Do you mean the existence of the spell, solely by its existence, demands that changes be made to it? Or do you mean "wedding ceremony", being wedding-themed, is inherently susceptible to shenanigans and hijinks?


8, 8, I forget what is for
I am not quite sure I grasp the distinction. Do you mean the existence of the spell, solely by its existence, demands that changes be made to it? Or do you mean "wedding ceremony", being wedding-themed, is inherently susceptible to shenanigans and hijinks?
Speaking for myself, I think the design of the spell deserves to be mocked; that is, the design of the spell begs to be abused. I don't think the design of the spell should be used in a way to abuse the players. My sense is that squeen would agree with me on that.


My my my, we just loooove to hear ourselves don't we?
I think the design of the spell deserves to be mocked; that is, the design of the spell begs to be abused.
I see what you're saying now. It's not a way of phrasing that I encounter often - to me, the term "abused" is synonymous with "exploited" in terms of game mechanics, whereas your usage is to mean "abused" as made an object of ridicule.

The spell is dumb. We can just all say it. It's a dumb spell... they happen.


8, 8, I forget what is for
True dat. I believe this "orison" is the prototype for the 5e Ceremony spell, from "Cantrips for Clerics" in Dragon 108:

Ceremony: Oath (Conj./Summoning; clerical only)
R: Touch
D: Special
AE: 1 person of the casters religion
C: V,S,M
CT: 3 segments
ST: None

A person taking an oath in the presence of a cleric pledges his honor to do some minor task. The cleric proffers his holy symbol for both parties involved in the oath to touch, and ratifies the oath with his ritual sign and some formula such as so be it. The oath stands until the pledge is fulfilled or broken. If broken, the oathtaker (whether the cleric himself or some other person of the clerics religion) will lose 5% on his loyalty base until satisfactory reparations are made (if ever). Note that a third party of the casters religion can pledge his honor for the oath of a nonbeliever. In this case, both join in touching the clerics holy symbol while the orison is cast. The cleric can pledge his own honor for a non-believer, but this is an extremely rare circumstance. The penalty to loyalty base simulates the loss of honor to the oathbreaker.
Which I think is much more elegant. At the very least, it doesn't take a moral stance on divorce.


My my my, we just loooove to hear ourselves don't we?
That Oath spell sounds more like a proto-Geas to me, considering there's no benefit to the recipient, only penalty if he breaks the oath. 5e Ceremony is meant to be a beneficial thing.


8, 8, I forget what is for
Is there anywhere in any edition of D&D, or any RPG for that matter, that explains how much gear you can stuff in a backpack, or a beltpouch, or a chest, or pretty much any non-magical container?


8, 8, I forget what is for
The Encumbrance rules in AD&D?
You would think so, right? But I struck out in the DMG and PHB for 1e, 3.5e, and 4e. There seems to be the assumption that the carrying capacity of the backpack is the same as the carrying capacity of the character, while the carrying capacity of a belt pouch is whatever small stuff the player wants to put in there. The 4e PHB does have a capacity for sacks, which is 100 lbs.

Oddly enough, I did find it in the 5e PHB, which lists a backpack as having capacity of 1 cu. ft. or 30 lbs; whereas a belt pouch can hold 0.2 cu. ft. or 6 lbs. I assume that stuff attacked to the outside of the packpack (bedroll and rope, probably) don't count as part of it's carrying capacity. It also has carrying capacities for a whole bunch of other containers.


8, 8, I forget what is for
It's in the text that came with the permanent character record folders
View attachment 1417
Thanks! I'm pretty sure I never owned that product. Interesting that the carrying capacity by weight of a backpack is still the same (or the same again) in 5e, but the capacity in volume has been reduced significantly.


My my my, we just loooove to hear ourselves don't we?
SIDENOTE: The D&D subreddit is doing the hobby no favors. It looks like a ren-faire furry's Pintrest board in there. I'm all for letting people play whatever they want, but why is it always big-tittied devil folk and cat people? And why do they feel the need to commission professional art for these fetish characters and then plaster them all over the subreddit? Damn.


8, 8, I forget what is for
Is this what traveling through the tunnels and caves of D1 might look like?


Video link:
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8, 8, I forget what is for
Is this what traveling through the tunnels and caves of D1 might look like?

View attachment 1418

Video link:
Cool. I'm pretty sure that was a mine, what with the debris, the rail tracks, and the wooden braces at the end.

I've only been in three natural caves systems, but all of them had quite smooth floors, which I guess makes sense if they formed by erosion due to water? Naturally, that is how I would describe D1-2 if I ever get around to running it.


8, 8, I forget what is for
And this.
DSCF0148 (2015_08_24 04_42_11 UTC) - Copy.jpg

It occurs to me that I need to run a slideshow of these whenever the characters are in a cave and we aren't using a battlemap.


8, 8, I forget what is for
Awesome panoramic photos!

I was once in a famous cave in Gibraltar once (the one with the monkeys) that looked similar inside. Loved it.
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