I've been flipping through ASE 1 and 2 again and thinking about running them but I find myself concurring with Bryce -- when I get to the clown bigtop thing in ASE2 I'm completely derailed. My players get into their characters and the world even as they're goofing about, and this just kind of breaks even that fragile sense of verisimilitude.

Bryce suggested that the big top bits would be easy to replace. Well, I'm tired and have other things to invent today, so I got to wondering if anyone replaced it with something that they thought worked, and what it was.
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8, 8, I forget what is for
Well, I'm tired and have other things to invent today
Dude! Those stupid clowns put me right off as well. I sometimes wonder if they put the author himself off of ever writing more!
The funny thing is, I was going through my collection yesterday looking for the perfect introductory adventure for my kids and I flipped through the ASE's, and there were those damned clowns. nope. (also, to be fair, the whole Certopsian Plains thing is a bit much for first-timers). Maybe use cannibal Berserkers like the ones trapped in the depths of B5 and keep the dinosaur? That way you get to keep the insanity and savagery but get rid of the chucklefuckery.
Dude! Those stupid clowns put me right off as well. I sometimes wonder if they put the author himself off of ever writing more!
The funny thing is, I was going through my collection yesterday looking for the perfect introductory adventure for my kids and I flipped through the ASE's, and there were those damned clowns. nope. (also, to be fair, the whole Certopsian Plains thing is a bit much for first-timers). Maybe use cannibal Berserkers like the ones trapped in the depths of B5 and keep the dinosaur? That way you get to keep the insanity and savagery but get rid of the chucklefuckery.
That's not a bad idea... Thanks!


Should be playing D&D instead
Anyone met this person?

They have semi recent blog posts speaking to progress.

What's the link to that again?

Whatever they want to do they should publish.

Not ASE? Do it. Don't get stuck in a huge project.

Look to the Chicago guy

50 states right?

No, move to the muse, no ropes

Only 10ft


Should be playing D&D instead

Look at what I found! Recent activity!


8, 8, I forget what is for
"recent" lol.

It's funny that he says he's more inspired to right when his gaming group is active. I guess my group is always active, but I do tend to get more conceptual when I'm on a two week break while travelling. I guess I do get more functional (if messy) material when I'm under the gun, but the big picture stuff definitely comes with more free time.


Should be playing D&D instead
More recent than 2012 or whenever ASE 1 was published!

Hope is alive

If you see this PatW, rock


Should be playing D&D instead
Can someone with a google account reply to this post?

Include the links to as a easy way to follow the blogs!

This newsletter is not bad either!

This forum link too! Makes me sad people think the old school is gone with g+

Knights and Knaves and DF are active too!