Happy to hear how this goes in 5e. Faster, slower, the same? I hope to have a readout of the next Labyrinth Lord run in a week or so.
Playing 5e with almost all new players. I don't think i have the social connections to start a LL game.
So character creation takes a ling time. They really do all want to play special snowflakes.
Zombies in 5E hqve this come-back mechanic when they h
it 0hp which is fun but makes the battle take a long time. I experimented with side initiative which is faster I think.
That depends on the aspect."From my personal experience, 5e just seems to run slower than 'old-school' variants for a number of reasons not limited to initiative."
I know. They blew it. Then they knew they blew it. Then they tried something different, used a minor resource, and rolled high so I gave it to them. This is what we should kibbitz over on boards like these. In hindsight, maybe I should have let them wedge it open just a little, enough for one player to peak though, or something like that.Mage Hand, thanks it's good to see the differences between 5e and LL. LL does not have undead fortitude as such.
The rogue tried to find a way to open the door. I let her roll two skill checks- one to investigate and one to try to finesse it open with her tools. The bard gave inspiration, she rolled high, and I let them open it. I don't know if that would have happened in L. Lord but it was fun.
Aha! This is one of those oft cited differences between new and old school play. In the OSR, it's all about the players stating they will put on the gloves and turn the handles.
24 miles per day (walking) on a road---four days travel...maybe quicker by horse. (16x 6-miles hexes)100 miles away! With medieval technology, that's an enormous distance. You could shrink it to 12 miles and be just fine.
Go for it! You are in it over your head now (i.e. officially a DM). Kiss your free time good-bye and enjoy!...I don't want to write the whole thing myself.