I hope to start posting more after the New Year. Work exhaustion is part of it, but also my players are at college so it's more D&D art lessons and less D&D prose recently. In general, there never was much interest in art side here (except from Malrex)---which is fine. It's too much sausage-making fiddly details yadda-yadda-yadda if you aren't trying to do it yourself.
In all honesty, I think I'm all caught up on the other editions and have pretty solidly decided that there's nothing there for me. Having given up on
Smorgasboard or
a la carte homebrew rules in favor of something more traditional (AD&D), I find I'm not on the same wavelength with most of the folks outside of K&KA. Any shock or outrage I ever felt over
"WTF did they do to D&D in the last 30 years?" is pretty much spent. When I first played D&D it was an unpopular niche hobby --- and now the D&D I like is an even less popular niche hobby (with a bunch of mutant cousins).
Que Sera. EOTB has repeatedly cautioned me on the futility of trying to sway folks to your way of thinking. Tilting at windmills no more! I'll save telling people what I think about the "new crap" for those foolish enough to specifically asked for my outdated opinion. (Total takers so far + future number expected = ZERO.)
What is left to post about is the great lessons Bryce teaches us about
writing --- I used to think he was talking about D&D, but I've come to realize it's really far more universal than that. Really the next big effort for me will be polishing up an Adventure and getting it out the door, i.e. trying to apply all of the Brycian lessons in the concrete. With work still in high gear, that's too much for me to handle for now...so it sits on the back burner. Hopefully the stars align and I can finally engage in the next contest.
I was surprised when DP left, but I don't miss him. I think that after he realized his style of D&D (5e and improvisational) was not in vogue here, his contributions became slowly and increasingly negative. Provoked? Well...@T1T, we'll just have to continue to disagree about that...but storming off after getting rebuked was entirely inline with his unfettered personality. You (T1T) loved his wild side. I get that. Sounds like you like that in your RPGs too.
Another future adventure for me might be to try and run an on-line campaign (with adults!). Fall/Winter 2022? Also, finishing up my mass combat simulator.
But (provocatively?) on the topic of this thread: I still firmly believe the 1e DMG appears to be impenetrably arcane because it's next-level magic.