Recent content by Cation

  1. C

    Mike's World

    Aftet reading Mike's World I feel like everyone should write their own B2 extension as a first assignment in D&D. The Gygax-75 challenge I mentioned above is a help to that. If you take the keep and caves of chaos as a mini dungeon, you can even skip the "nearby town" step (use the keep as...
  2. C

    Mike's World

    Have you seen the Gygax-75 challenge by Ray Otus (couldn't be "that guy's son, could it? Naaah too obvious.) I apologize if it's inappropriate to post this link. I think it's OK. It's a free workbook that outlines a five week process to develop your game...
  3. C

    What happened to the weird reviews?

    I posted this in a different thread but it probably belongs here I still need to find the review where he's reviewing some weird writer who's indistinguishable between a genius DGAF writer and a troll. Kinda like Hubbard or his x-filed parody...
  4. C

    What happened to the weird reviews?

    Thank you, I'll check that out
  5. C


    I guess I'm asking when this might be available. The only suggestion I have for you is - be yourself. I'm here for your work. Don't change to try to suit someone else, be you, your writing is amazing, I absolutely love it. My guess is that everyone else here does too. That's what I want to...
  6. C


    I must have stumbled into a weird reality that I am getting what I wanted if someone can tell me this book is real and I will be able to buy it. I started clipping together various paragraphs from Bryce's reviews on good things he described in various reviews for my own use 5 years ago? Now...
  7. C

    What happened to the weird reviews?

    Thank you both for posting and linking to these reviews, they are in line with what I remembered but I swear it was older, like 2019 or earlier. Prince gets close to what I remember, but some lines were Did this person even play D&D? Are they some sort of elaborate hoax or troll writing this...
  8. C

    What happened to the weird reviews?

    I remember reading some reviews, I'm nearly positive were here, that were on weird modules. Like one where the author was high or disturbed. I think one talked about a magic item that was a stick that turned into a shovel. Just simple. I tried to find them again and could not. Did I imagine...