Bryce said...


8, 8, I forget what is for
Black bears more or less do so in real life. In north-central Ontario they'll show up to town dumps en masse to eat the garbage. So long as food's abundant, they seem quite sociable with one another.
Showing up at a large human-created food supply like a dump is not how these entries are presented or how I suspect they are normally used. Six black bears at a dump or six grizzlies at a river during spawning season is a planned encounter; 1-3 black bears or 1-6 brown bears is a random wilderness encounter, and IMO encountering anything more than 1 bear (other than cubs, which are generally noncombatants) should be pretty unusual.

Even where bears are found together, they aren't exactly social. It's not like they will attack as a group; if you encroach on salmon feeding grounds, I think you might get in trouble with one bear if you threaten its fishing spot, but it's not like they are going to mob you.

Unlike other animal entries, there are no stats for females or cubs, so it clearly wasn't intended for the sort of situation where a sow appears with 1-2 cubs. So the setting implied by the MM and Schedule C suggests that grizzlies are roaming the land in packs.


8, 8, I forget what is for
(I don't think it is a thing here, or anywhere).
My first job was working in an ice cream parlour, I have made quite a few floats in my day. The best are with vanilla ice cream and orange pop (that's orange soda for the Americans), which taste like a creamiscle. The better the ice cream, the better the float (substituting gums for real cream changes the consistency).

Also, "ice cream" distinguishes it from "ice milk", not to mention snow cones (sometimes called "ices"), popsicles, sorbet, frozen yogurt and gelato.


High Executarch
My first job was working in an ice cream parlour, I have made quite a few floats in my day. The best are with vanilla ice cream and orange pop (that's orange soda for the Americans), which taste like a creamiscle. The better the ice cream, the better the float (substituting gums for real cream changes the consistency).
What edition was this? Holmes? Moldvay? I only play RC and Labyrinth Lord.

Also, "ice cream" distinguishes it from "ice milk", not to mention snow cones (sometimes called "ices"), popsicles, sorbet, frozen yogurt and gelato.
IJS, waterijs (water-ice), ijsmelk, ijsyoghurt, je moeder.

The Heretic

Should be playing D&D instead
Curtailing speech requires either moral authority or the ability to exact punishments for noncompliance. Our would be betters have long since forsaken one and are rapidly running out of the other.
The Woke had good intentions but they fell into the same trap the fundamentalists did. Oh wait, isn't this a banned political post? Doh!

I propose a truce. Let's join together to make fun of the Woke!

In the US, Texans take the place of the loud, belligerent, and ignorant American stereotype. Texans are the wooooooorst.


High Executarch
Eww why would you want to go to that dump?

I see my flippancy/vehemence has caused us to moved to Defcon3. It is a delicate eco-system and as an Administrator I should be more careful. I motion we all sort of relaxedly move away from the Danger Zone, no one is getting banned. Obviously Dutch jokes are permitted.

And so on and so forth.

The Heretic

Should be playing D&D instead
I see my flippancy/vehemence has caused us to moved to Defcon3. It is a delicate eco-system and as an Administrator I should be more careful. I motion we all sort of relaxedly move away from the Danger Zone, no one is getting banned. Obviously Dutch jokes are permitted.
Ope! It was all me! I was trying to be silly but I froget that that sometimes doesn't translate well over the internet.


I would like to know what iced milk is, however? Is that another name for a shake, or something else? I'm intrigued.


Should be playing D&D instead
Ope! It was all me! I was trying to be silly but I froget that that sometimes doesn't translate well over the internet.


I would like to know what iced milk is, however? Is that another name for a shake, or something else? I'm intrigued.
It's ice cream made with milk instead of cream. In the US it's usually labelled "low-fat ice cream".


Should be playing D&D instead
Showing up at a large human-created food supply like a dump is not how these entries are presented or how I suspect they are normally used. Six black bears at a dump or six grizzlies at a river during spawning season is a planned encounter; 1-3 black bears or 1-6 brown bears is a random wilderness encounter, and IMO encountering anything more than 1 bear (other than cubs, which are generally noncombatants) should be pretty unusual.

Even where bears are found together, they aren't exactly social. It's not like they will attack as a group; if you encroach on salmon feeding grounds, I think you might get in trouble with one bear if you threaten its fishing spot, but it's not like they are going to mob you.

Unlike other animal entries, there are no stats for females or cubs, so it clearly wasn't intended for the sort of situation where a sow appears with 1-2 cubs. So the setting implied by the MM and Schedule C suggests that grizzlies are roaming the land in packs.
Let me assure you that running into bears at the dump is rarely a planned encounter. ;)

Black bears are actually quite social, they just don't live in extended family groups sharing a residence. It's not uncommon for a bunch of them to live in close proximity and to get together from time to time, whether one-on-one or in small groups. Young adult bears especially form what are basically youth groups after they leave their mothers and hang around with one another so long as food permits them to.

I agree it should probably be most normal to encounter 1 bear at time, but I think between dice and reaction rolls you can pretty much rationalise a group of up to six hanging out pretty easily, even without accounting for mothers and cubs. Just put a dead moose or something on the ground and have them all snacking and hanging out, not a cellphone in sight, living their best lives.

The Heretic

Should be playing D&D instead
It's ice cream made with milk instead of cream. In the US it's usually labelled "low-fat ice cream".
Thank you! Interesting. You learn something new every day. I always thought all ice cream was made from just milk. Umm. Please don't tell anyone. I'd probably get run out of Wisconsin for not knowing enough about dairy products. Why just last week I learned that a 'custard' was simply ice cream made with eggs. The more you know!


8, 8, I forget what is for
Why just last week I learned that a 'custard' was simply ice cream made with eggs. The more you know!
Custard is not simply ice cream made with eggs. French vanilla is ice cream made with eggs, or using a custard base (which has eggs in it).

Ice creams are cream and usually some milk mixed with sugar and flavourings in freezing temperatures and agitated while they are chilled; sort of like a dairy slurpee.

Custard is made with a dairy product (milk, cream or sometimes cheese) cooked with eggs, and sometimes a thickener. Custard desserts also have a sweetener. They can vary in consistency, so English custard desserts are like a runny jello pudding, whereas a quiche is a firmer, savory custard.