Fuckin' Videogames, Man


Should be playing D&D instead
Haha yeah T is scary. I saw the Nethack screenshot above. You all get it.

Dwarf Fortress I need to give another shot. Kinda feels like the Sims to me in that you can direct things but also just watch it all go downhill. I have played the adventure mode a bit but it seems more to explore the civilization you watched get destroyed.

These games are made this century (they just look old) and they have a odnd spirit the just hits me, most are free and open source, the code for some is pretty advanced with how they randomize and simulate generated material.

Give any of those mentioned above a shot and let me know what you think. Make sure to download the tile or tileset versions. Makes it easier to learn IMO.

Those above are mostly free and on Linux, Mac and PC.

Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup (The best traditional Fantasy DnD dungeon delve on a computer game RL)
Caves of Qud (GAMMA WORLD the rl w/ overworld - Reminds me of ASE but on the computer ... new megadungeon patch!)
Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead (The best non fantasy if survival is your jam, Zombies but you can replace them with wolves or dinosaurs easy -w/overworld and very freeform -likely the most complex one here)
Brouge (Very friendly if you have not played one before)
DoomRL (Simple and quick, Run and Gun, reminds me of Diablo if it stayed turn based in development)
Ancient Domains of Mystery (w/ overworld)
Tales of Maj'Eyal (Current version of the LoTR RL JRR fam made them change the name w/ overworld)

For phone, Pathos Nethack and Pixel Dungeon are free and good

Many of the above have overworlds if you like Ultima. Let me know what you all think!
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So ... slow work day? Every day?
Video games man....they are just so flashy. I like the online games and still play the old Dark Age of Camelot and Ultima Online (been awhile). But I also have Guild Wars2 and play it with some friends once in awhile and its just so flashy with explosions and all the crap--I can't even see what I'm doing and it feels way over the top.
I like the old shoot em up games--Shadow Warrior, Duke Nukem, etc...but I remember buying a version of Doom (or maybe it was Quake) and it scared the crap out of me with the flickering lights and whatnot--I didn't like it as much. I think I'm getting too old for the computer games nowadays.
I thought Dragon Age was fun.

I did just get Pillars of Eternity and Skyrim, but havent had time to play.
I sorta want to play Baldurs Gate 2 and actually complete it...


Should be playing D&D instead
Video games man....they are just so flashy. I like the online games and still play the old Dark Age of Camelot and Ultima Online (been awhile). But I also have Guild Wars2 and play it with some friends once in awhile and its just so flashy with explosions and all the crap--I can't even see what I'm doing and it feels way over the top.
Check out the RLs above! if you like Ultima go for one of the overworld games with a tileset, free and/or cheap!

If you like doom, doomrl is a great coffee break game



Any love for Rougelikes here?
By that I mean the first attempts to emulate dnd with computers ala Rouge in 1980 .

I really like:
Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup (The best traditional Fantasy DnD on a computer game RL)
Caves of Qud (Reminds me of ASE but on the computer ... new megadungeon patch!)
Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead (The best non fantasy if survival is your jam, Zombies but you can replace them with wolves or dinosaurs easy)
Brouge (Very friendly if you have not played one before)
DoomRL (Simple and quick, Run and Gun, reminds me of Diablo if it stayed turn based in development)
Ancient Domains of Mystery
Tales of Maj'Eyal (Current version of the LoTR RL)

Go go tilesets

This is a man/woman/person/camera/tv of impeccable taste. Obviously add Dwarf Fortress, for posterity.


So ... slow work day? Every day?
These things are as bad as those clicker games. Maybe worse, because you sit and wait for most of it.

Y'all need some of THIS in your life.