Site Rules


Staff member
1. I just turned it up. Be patient
2. My vanity projects will be filled out later
3. The vanity projects are going to function something like a wiki, with points and counterpoints. You should expect some ruthless editing of threads. Think of it as a group edited doc, with official dissents.
4. If you want your own Vanity Project forum then let me know and I'll make one for you.
5. Commentary & criticism of someone elses idea should start with "J'accuse!" Because life is more fun that way.

Universal Rules
J'Accuse 0 - The DM is always right. The game is supposed to be fun and the DM can do what they want to make it fun. The DM's job is to bring the game to life.
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i fucking hate writing ...
Staff member
Also, if something looks wrong or you want something then feel free to pipe up. I'm still figuring things out.
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i fucking hate writing ...
Staff member
Hmmm, I didn't consider that. If you want a Vanity Project forum I'll create one for you. I'll modify the rules.


Should be playing D&D instead
It's more like I have an idea for an adventure and would love to talk about some of the details with other people interested in good adventure design. Really just a thread. But I thought with the audience here, a section for such threads could be interesting.


So ... slow work day? Every day?
It's more like I have an idea for an adventure and would love to talk about some of the details with other people interested in good adventure design. Really just a thread. But I thought with the audience here, a section for such threads could be interesting.
I second this. Would be nice to have a sort of feedback/collaboration space on here, especially considering it's curation by THE industry adventure reviewer.


A FreshHell to Contend With
So this is a place to discuss reviews, workshop projects and just to BS. Depending on what sub-forum you're at? :)
Sounds good,