I think
"Tomb of the Serpent King" by Skerples gets the map thing almost perfect. A overview DM map up front, inset-maps, and a one-pager summary map in the back. My tiny gripe is that I think the inset maps could be smaller so that more text fit on each page---but that's being overly picky. (I'm also a fan of 1e PHB/DM font-size and small margins to maximize "at a glance" data absorption.)
It's free and worth checking out. (I think you can find it somewhere on the
Coins and Scrolls web site too). I'm even tempted to order a hardcopy of this one.
What Skerples did, that I think is so underutilized in a hobby/PDF-self-publishing/post-cyberspace world, is
iterate the adventure---publishing multiple versions with improvements based on community feedback. This is such a good idea. As amateurs, we need to hone our craft. In the paradigm of the Open Source Software bazaar this is paraphrased as
"Release Early. Release Often."
Byrce reviewed version 1.0
here --- it's up to version 4.0 now. Very cool.
I should mention it has some really evocative art by Scrap Princess too. The chained-rat grabs me especially.