Bryce said...


8, 8, I forget what is for
Let me assure you that running into bears at the dump is rarely a planned encounter. ;)

Black bears are actually quite social, they just don't live in extended family groups sharing a residence. It's not uncommon for a bunch of them to live in close proximity and to get together from time to time, whether one-on-one or in small groups. Young adult bears especially form what are basically youth groups after they leave their mothers and hang around with one another so long as food permits them to.

I agree it should probably be most normal to encounter 1 bear at time, but I think between dice and reaction rolls you can pretty much rationalise a group of up to six hanging out pretty easily, even without accounting for mothers and cubs. Just put a dead moose or something on the ground and have them all snacking and hanging out, not a cellphone in sight, living their best lives.
I have to say, I grew up in the bush and I have never seen this behavior except at dumps and when humans were feeding them. I did look it up on Wikipedia though, and it said they are usually territorial and non-gregarious, but will congregate near a food source. I wonder how much they do that when not influenced by the presence of humans.


8, 8, I forget what is for
Apparently this did need an introduction. So we're clear; this is funny, gentle Irish humour and not the inflammatory commentary the title might suggest. Sorry guys...
funny/problematic aside, I descend from the sort of Irish who celebrate a certain Dutch king once a year 😬 Politics = fun, sectarianism = double-funnn!!!

but back to the Netherlands:

Here's the Canadian one. Because if it's one thing we Canucks can appreciate, it's being noticed by someone, anyone really:



8, 8, I forget what is for
French vanilla is ice cream made with eggs, or using a custard base (which has eggs in it).
Seriously. Even Breyers stopped making real icecream at some point, so I gave up and got one of those fancy compressors that freezes stuff in an hour, only to find out that every descent icecream recipe out there involves this insanely tricky process of boiling and straining a friggin custard. I HATE separating eggs!


8, 8, I forget what is for
Seriously. Even Breyers stopped making real icecream at some point, so I gave up and got one of those fancy compressors that freezes stuff in an hour, only to find out that every descent icecream recipe out there involves this insanely tricky process of boiling and straining a friggin custard. I HATE separating eggs!
Nah, you can make good ice cream without eggs, you just need a lot of high quality cream. Real vanilla is good too, but man is it expensive right now.

I should also mention, I treat my cream with lactase enzyme, which makes it taste just a bit sweeter because the sugar is glucose instead of lactose. That may also make a difference.

There is nothing quite like home-made ice cream, just out of the machine, before it has been frozen solid for the first time. So good!


8, 8, I forget what is for
I treat my cream with lactase enzyme
ech, I just take a Lactaid (or the German equivalent). You've got to nature your ice cream in the freezer for at least 6 hrs!

Hey, there's a bunch of crusty old guys here; does anyone else remember Spumoni flavour? I think Sealtest had it. The closest I could find to a recipe for it was a Spumoni Terrine. It's like 5 pages long. I like a challenging cooking project now and then but that's Hannibal Lecter-level....

The Heretic

Should be playing D&D instead
Is nothing sacred? This mass-produced world...:(
Since I work on campus I can get Babcock ice cream. I believe it's the real thing.

And that's where the whole custard thing came up. My FAVORITE from them is Orange Chocolate Chip Custard. So good.

And now I know much more about making ice cream! I remember my family making it in the 70's and 80's, but that was a long time ago. What was the salt for, exactly?


8, 8, I forget what is for
Hey, there's a bunch of crusty old guys here; does anyone else remember Spumoni flavour? I think Sealtest had it. The closest I could find to a recipe for it was a Spumoni Terrine. It's like 5 pages long. I like a challenging cooking project now and then but that's Hannibal Lecter-level....
Yeah, I remember spumoni, every Christmas.
And now I know much more about making ice cream! I remember my family making it in the 70's and 80's, but that was a long time ago. What was the salt for, exactly?
IIRC, the salt interacted with the ice to help drop the temperature. My machine has a cooling sleeve so that is not necessary.

Two orcs

Officially better than you, according to PoN
Now someone should come up with some magical ice creams and ice milks to use in your home game.
Where's @Two orcs when you need him!
Rocky Road
This seductive dessert is the vessel of a Curse (cast during or after preparation) that takes hold of anyone tasting it (no save). Any travel with a cursee in the party will be delayed (travel speed 50%) because of mundane but implausibly frequent accidents, broken wagon wheels, frightened horses, sudden hailstorms, ill fitting boots etc. If by the third such accident in a day halt or return isn't called a random encounter with a monster occurs (it has felt a calling).

Auðumbla's Spill
A rich vein of semi-frozen milk of the primeval cow dripping down the side of a bare mountain. If thawed the smell will attract greedy Frost giants who seek the divine essence therein (they will travel from the nearest mountain hex). Consumed it acts as a potion of Frost giant strength lasting an entire day. Dying while under its effect your body transforms into a miniature landscape complete with a domed sky and lilliputian peoples and animals. Frost giants who drink it instead gain in stature and power to resemble Cloud giants.


Should be playing D&D instead
By my life, this is my lady’s hand these be her very C’s, her U’s and her T’s and thus makes she her great P’s.