Dyson's maps suck


My my my, we just loooove to hear ourselves don't we?
You can accomplish the same with a brush pack download for Photoshop (or GIMP) and some layer effects. Just takes a modicum of know-how.


So ... slow work day? Every day?
I've got CC3+ with a lot of add-ons. You can do it cheaper with freeware like GIMP. Once you get past how the basic mechanic of CC3 works, I find it easier to do the basic map in CC3+. But the final touches are better done with GIMP or Adobe Creative products.


8, 8, I forget what is for
I've got CC3+ with a lot of add-ons. You can do it cheaper with freeware like GIMP. Once you get past how the basic mechanic of CC3 works, I find it easier to do the basic map in CC3+. But the final touches are better done with GIMP or Adobe Creative products.
What is it that CC3+ mainly brings to the table? The artwork?


So ... slow work day? Every day?
No, the ease of creation once you become used to its core mechanic.

It's not that GIMP would be harder, it's just the difference between purpose-built and a really good general tool. So I think CC3 is faster-easier, which is different than technical-easier, if that makes sense. Its commands are built around mapping functions instead of drawing functions you can use to make maps.

I'd say the artwork, yes, if you're not an artist. Someone who's good with digital art would probably find it limiting; for someone like me who's not good with free-form digital art CC3 gives me great looking maps without appreciable artistic skill.

As I've described it elsewhere, making a map with CC3 engages the same areas of my brain as putting together lego sets with my daughter, as opposed to drawing. That makes a huge difference in ease and speed for me.


8, 8, I forget what is for
I think his maps are getting smaller. 5 room lairs in the most recent releases. You might be able to shout at one end and be heard at the furthest point.


8, 8, I forget what is for
I think his maps are getting smaller. 5 room lairs in the most recent releases. You might be able to shout at one end and be heard at the furthest point.
I guess he's going where the market is. If I'm looking for a quick map to drop into something, I probably want something small, so it makes sense. If it's going to be big, I'm either going to do it myself, or use a published product.

Fun as it is to drool over some of his larger works eh. I thought someone was keying that massive, multi-page mega dungeon he did a couple years ago? (not 'Dyson's Delve' which was also cool enough to deserve being printed out and shoved in a folder for a rainy day)...

The Heretic

Should be playing D&D instead
This thread is amusing. I looked at the beginning and saw that I actually just used the second of the two example Dyson maps that @Two orcs pointed out in post #2.

The Heretic

Should be playing D&D instead
I wish someone would change the thread title. It's kind of spiteful.
Yes. And to tell you the truth I had to look at the beginning of the thread because DP is at the top of tab 3 and I thought this was probably his doing. But it was not.


A FreshHell to Contend With
I used to love his maps and supported his Patreon. Still do, but at lower giving category.
As far as I can tell, he has switched from making old school dungeons to 5e battle mats.
Beautiful, but of limited use.
I love a lot of his "middle work" for wilderness lairs.


8, 8, I forget what is for
His maps are pristine. I think he's switched over to digital (tablet) from pen and inl. Also, I think he's discovered everything there is to draw and has his preferred solution. I wonder if he is bored.

Here's some of his AI experiments.


My my my, we just loooove to hear ourselves don't we?
I've heard...RUMORS...that DP and Squeen are the same person.
I'm like the Green Goblin - I just like to argue with myself, I guess.

Back to topic though. Dyson maps, while not especially complex or involved, are fine at doing exactly what they need to do: giving a DM in need a quick map fix. We can't/shouldn't hold them to the same standards as professionally-published maps - doing so is akin to complaining about the food at McDonald's (it's like, yeah, it has some extreme room for improvement... but it's fast and cheap, and you're delusional if you're eating there expecting the heights of fine dining. Sometimes folk just want an easy dinner).