Looking for online roleplay games


Hello community,

I am looking for a group to play with online.

Is anyone interested in playing an adventure-tabletop-pretend-to-be-a-goblin-online-roleplay game on the internet?

It would be fun if we formed a group to run one of the many, many modules that have been reviewed on this site. I have read/own some of them but there is a huge swath that would be new to me.

About me: I am just a chill dude who DMs at my lovely West Coast home about once a week. I currently have a 5e group and a DCC group. Happy to play any edition of anything. I've been playing DnD on-and-off since I was about 10 (I am 31, so started with AD&D 2e). My favorite things about RPG games are the whimsical role-playing, intriguing problem solving and brutal ultra-violence. When I do get the chance to play, I take good notes, keep the adventure moving forward and don't hog the spotlight. I'm not hyper-neurotic about rules, and I generally get along with others. Low Drama. I AM A PRETTY IDEAL PLAYER IF I DON'T SAY SO MYSELF.

I once GMed on roll20 and it was a complete fucking disaster. That's why I don't want to GM. I am also hoping to learn a bit about GMing online by playing with a more seasoned online GM. (GMing on Roll20 was how I came to the tough realization that I am actually secretly computer illiterate)

Low commitment is better. A module that lasts 1-3 sessions is probably enough, at least to start. If anyone is genuinely interested, post here or shoot me a message and we can discuss which medium to use (roll20 or other) and the best days and times to play. I can probably drum up a few more (good) players if necessary.

Hope this thread doesn't flop

-Your Pal Ice


i fucking hate writing ...
Staff member
Ice, I admire your perseverance in the face of a forum with three users. :)

I've had some luck with Facebook groups, both local area and "online" Facbook group LFG. There's also a LFG area on the discord server you might check out.

Also, I've pinned your thread and changed it to Looking For Game. Congratulations! You've made the forum better for all by pointing out a deficiency AND then doing something about it!


A FreshHell to Contend With
I've had much more luck with PbP games... the scheduling logistics of everyone being online at the same time is a nightmare. But there is a one-shot FB group now... I'll have to look it up though. Good luck though!!


Ice, I admire your perseverance in the face of a forum with three users. :)

I've had some luck with Facebook groups, both local area and "online" Facbook group LFG. There's also a LFG area on the discord server you might check out.

Also, I've pinned your thread and changed it to Looking For Game. Congratulations! You've made the forum better for all by pointing out a deficiency AND then doing something about it!
hey thanks!

I had never considered using Facebook or Dischord as resources for finding people who are interested in these games. I'd looked around Reddit a little bit, but that was pretty fruitless. There actually is a very active DnD facebook group in my area, didn't realize that. It's mostly for 5e, but I am sure I could write something enticing enough to get someone to try something new. Inviting some internet weirdos to my house actually sounds kind of fun and exciting (in a slightly dangerous, thrill-seeking way).

I've had much more luck with PbP games... the scheduling logistics of everyone being online at the same time is a nightmare. But there is a one-shot FB group now... I'll have to look it up though. Good luck though!!
I've never done a play-by-post, never even considered it. I read a lot of them on Something Awful in my younger days. They seem much different than playing on a tabletop, but seems like it is worth a try.



A FreshHell to Contend With
Yeah. It's definitely a different way to play. I tell folks to see it that way. The pacing and the play is slower than face-to-face, which is what turns some off. But it definitely makes things very tactical and you can put more into your character, and you can play with folks in all sorts of time zones, because you post when you can, not when everyone is online at the same time. Also it's a fantastic way to learn a new RPG system honestly. The slower pace allowing for the learning curve. Unseen Servant is a great supportive place to learn if you so wanted. It's also forum based, like here, so I find it easy to play there. So if you wanted to give it a whirl, head on over. Otherwise I'm sure you'll find a game on discord or FB!
Be well,


A FreshHell to Contend With
I'm looking at running some short dungeon delves in Discord on the weekends. Nominally house-ruled ACKS, I tend to run out of my head rather than stop to look up rules, and you don't actually need the book to play. Message me here for a link if you're interested.

I've pitched the same game for play by post and not got many takers, but message me or just find me on Autarch or Unseen Servant if that's your preference. Pbp is definitely slower and different, but I'm in a position to update regularly if briefly, which is good for that format.


So ... slow work day? Every day?
If you haven't yet, check out the subreddit specifically for finding players and groups:



So ... slow work day? Every day?
Ya...ICE....I might be interested...dude...covid....I got a lot going on actually...but some playing with some forum dudes sounds cool..maybe Friday nights..7 pm or something?


A FreshHell to Contend With
Started an online Skype 1e, where I'm DMing my buddies from HS. With two of us from Jersey, my Coastie friend in Ohio, and the other five still on Long Island it's been a great way to game and ride out the pandemic.


Should be playing D&D instead


An online game with you all seems great. Fridays at 7pm? Down

What time zone are we talking?


Should be playing D&D instead
Lets do this thing

Open to whatever platform
I have roll 20d with sucess

Keeping it simple is Discord and a dice roller
wbo for player mapping is also cool

I have seen open source no log in zoom (jitsi jit.si) also work! You can just enter a room name via try it out start a meeting and boom
They also have room passwords and E2E encyption in beta

Bogeys Dice Room or Dice with Friends are ez


8, 8, I forget what is for
I appreciate the offer. Right now my group plays Friday nights and my dance-card is otherwise full.
Maybe at some future date --- sorry for the late reply.


A FreshHell to Contend With
Heh heh, I can barely handle the Skype game I DM every other week. Sorry, old man is old. :D


A FreshHell to Contend With
I don't play on Discord. Other than skype and a rare Zoom game, I'm mostly a PbPer on Unseen Servant. But you may have better luck looking here:
Crap ton of discord games on there usually.


Should be playing D&D instead
I appreciate the offer. Right now my group plays Friday nights and my dance-card is otherwise full.
Maybe at some future date --- sorry for the late reply.
Sounds good! Let me know, the lfg resources you posted are good...

But mainly I want to game with you all. Anyone who is here knows whats up, Bryceian and Bryceian adjacent alike!
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A FreshHell to Contend With
Just thought I'd drop a link to the OSR Pick-Up Games Discord server:

EDIT: Oh, crap, last reply was in 2021! I can't believe it's 2022 already. Still feels like January, 2020 . . . Longest year ever.