I FINALLY got my printed copy of Completely Unfathomable, 300 years after I funded it on Kickstarter. Jesus Christ, how these dude managed to evade the savagery that briefly hounded James Malizewski out of the scene for committing roughly 25% of the dog-fuckery Sholtis et al got away with here, is beyond me.
That said, it's great to have this thing in my hands. It truly is a gorgeous volume. Cover to cover in gorgeous artwork and that good gonzo vibe that got me into the OSR back in the day. The Odious Uplands are truly glorious, and maybe the author should've led with that? Operation Unfathomable itself is a paradox in that it is absolutely full of stuff while being kind of meatless at the same time. Like this expectation that the players are going to somehow stick to the described areas when the Author's OWN GROUP wandered almost immediately off the map to an undescribed (but frequently and frustratingly referred to) other realm of the Underworld. Like dude, if your scenario didn't survive the playtest, why are you tying a bow around it (for seven years) and selling it to me?
Seriously though, fuck was it fun to read. People should buy this thing just for that. There is a ton of shit in this 300+ page romp, just, not a complete adventure that anyone could play out of the box. I MISS this gonzo stuff, and I hate that the grumpy old, humanocentric, medievalists in the community won the struggle for hearts and minds. It was the weird shit that built this movement dammit!
Also, I chose S&W because it seemed more D&D than DCC to me at the time. Probably, this thing is more fun with DCC. Matter of taste here; those old Whitebox rules seem dodgy af. I think there's a pretty solid reason this (extremely conservative) community moved pretty quickly on to B/X and 1e clones. For the love of god, could you just give me an alignment for these NPC's and monsters, bro?!