General Discussion


Respect is a two way street. Squeen has shown that he has no respect for the autonomy of other people. You don't happen to be Squeen's second account, do you?

The Heretic
The ending of your argument makes the start weaker... Would have made it better to end there.
Not everyone disagreeing with you is a puppet.
P.S. - I write under MY name, do you?


8, 8, I forget what is for
Come to think of it, maybe I could find some inspiration from Tegel Manor.
I was thinking the same thing.

I hate to bring it up, because no one wants to hear someone go on and on about their campaign,
I'm happy to hear about people's campaigns in limited doses. Pretty much until it becomes a wall of text, really.

Politicians are a necessary evil. Woe to those who are beguiled by their false promises.
Most politicians make an effort to keep most of their promises. When a politician promises something, you should not assume they don't intend to keep it. If you are counting on a politician to not keep their promises, you might be in for an unpleasant surprise.

And no, I'm not a politician. I know a few, on various points in the political spectrum, but I'm not really close with any.


8, 8, I forget what is for
Sorry, this thread got long and messy, so it's getting hard to Reply specifically to something. This is in response to @Heretic 's call for ideas. Or is this a call for printed material that can be inserted?

The point I'm getting stuck on is that you stripped away a bunch of "renfair" stuff from a printed adventure, which implies to me you like it gritty and humanocentric. But then you've got a steam city full of Orcs which just seems to be stumbling into high-fantasy territory, so now I'm confused. No judgment btw, all campaign themes are good campaign themes, I'm just trying to get a bead on what's acceptable in your universe.

I mean, fuck me I hate the way anachronistic steam punk snuck into my favourite fantasy worlds (I'm looking at you, Terry Pratchett and Joe Abercrombie...), but a wizard lair in a steam city does seem like a real opportunity for mad science... steam spewing constructs and such. An evil factory floor producing an army of automated evil. Massive steam powered generators gathering energy for something huge and destructive. That sort of ting.

Another source of inspiration might be deepsea steam vents with their weird architecture and even weirder fauna. Massive slimy colonies of bacteria. etc.

As for preprinted... yeah, other than S2, I'm drawing a blank. Mud Sorceror would be perfect, but there's no way you can scale that down to the appropriate level.

The Heretic

Should be playing D&D instead
The ending of your argument makes the start weaker... Would have made it better to end there.
Not everyone disagreeing with you is a puppet.
Agreed. That was a low blow. In my calmer moments I would've left it out, and last night I had strong second thoughts about doing so. You're post seemed a little suspicious, as I didn't remember your name being associated with any of the past flamewars involving DP. Your point of view seems to align heavily with Squeen's so it wasn't entirely out of the realm of possibility. More likely my memory isn't very good about past DP-Squeen flareups or you're a friend of Squeen's and/or he contacted you for moral support. I was annoyed and being very snarky. My apologies.

I am not sure how the Ignore function works, if Squeen can see what I write or not. Disirregardless, please let him know that even though I am strongly disagree with his point of view, I am happy that he reflected some of my own foibles. In other forums, I have said exactly the same things he did ("you're a moron or out to destroy America!") about a politician who is not to be named, so it was clarifying to see that reflected back at me. "Oh, do I sound that unhinged and loony when I rant about <blank>? I should stop doing that." I feel I could have a productive conversation with him, we wouldn't change our positions but we may soften them to be more accepting of the diversity of opinion, but his statement about being closed-minded stopped that in its tracks. I could go on and on but that would be TL:DR and would easily veer into political territory.

And finally, yes, it was inappropriate for DP to bring up politics in the first place. It was very presumptive to assume that everybody agreed with his point of view. Likewise it was extremely presumptive for Squeen to assume that everyone would be happy to be 'liberated'.

P.S. - I write under MY name, do you?
Touche! I am a private person, I have used my first name in the past, but I do not produce gaming material for the general public. People on the internet can get crazy <ahem!> and I do not wish to be harassed outside of this forum.

The Heretic

The Heretic

Should be playing D&D instead
Sorry, this thread got long and messy, so it's getting hard to Reply specifically to something. This is in response to @Heretic 's call for ideas. Or is this a call for printed material that can be inserted?
Oof, I have to be quick. Both!

I'll reply to the ren faire comment later to clarify things a bit.

The 'orc city' is really a ruin occupied by the remnants of an orc army. The steam was more window dressing than anything, and no steampunk imagery was intended. I was thinking more like 'a sauna for the very wealthy who don't realize where the steam is coming from"/cosmic horror.

The Heretic


My my my, we just loooove to hear ourselves don't we?
And finally, yes, it was inappropriate for DP to bring up politics in the first place.
For the record, as an "international" person, the American election is more about news than politics to us. Ignoring a massive piece of news in a conversational setting is extremely counter-intuitive. Admittedly my profanity-laden shock wasn't the best prelude to that, and clearly triggered something embedded deep within certain folk - that was my bad.

The Heretic

Should be playing D&D instead
For the record, as an "international" person, the American election is more about news than politics to us. Ignoring a massive piece of news in a conversational setting is extremely counter-intuitive. Admittedly my profanity-laden shock wasn't the best prelude to that, and clearly triggered something embedded deep within certain folk - that was my bad.
Thanks DP! Yes, that's true. You may not be aware that citizens of the United States ("Americans") can be kind of full of themselves and think the world revolves around them.

And yeah, a plurality of the members on this board (if not an outright majority) are not citizens of the United States.

The Heretic


8, 8, I forget what is for
Squeen has shown that he has no respect for the autonomy of other people.
Genuinely puzzled by this. Who's autonomy have I infringed upon?

You don't happen to be Squeen's second account, do you?
This also went over my head.

EDIT: Oh! It was aimed at Avi. I believe Avi lives in Isreal and I am near Baltimore,. We are not a single entity, but must align mentally on some level. (poor Avi! :p)

@The Heretic :

For the record, the world does revolve around America right now --- the US State Dept. makes sure of it, overtly and covertly.

Personally, I'm not in favor of my homeland and tax dollars being used to finance an empire. I hate the NATO and neocon notion of full spectral dominance in all global theaters. I'd like other nations to run their own affairs without our boot on their neck.

But Canada is different. It's "family", and you don't turn your back on family when it's clearly suffering.

Here's another example of "corruption and the deep state". Don't look if he triggers you.
Who in the West, beside the USA has an equivalent to the First Amendment right to free speech?

I was shocked to learn NO ONE! So surprised in fact, I'm still half expecting someone to cough up a counter-example.
Most calls for internet censorship (i.e. "misinformation" laws) on both sides of the Atlantic originate in the US State Dept. who are desperate since 2016 (Trump/Brexit) to put the internet free-speech genie back in the bottle and regain control of the narrative they had with legacy media.
This a bold shot across the bow of the censorship/industrial complex, and I LOVE it.
If you want to know more, google Mike Benz. He's done tons of interviews on the topic & made it his life's crusade. Total rabbit hole.

Sorry folks. But blocking me seems like sticking your fingers in your ears. It only hurts you.

No politics---that's a board rule & I wantonly broke it because I knew Prince had gone AWOL. Guilty.

But first, one final salvo because I've become an all-in believer in the resistance and want to spread the word: I thought the GenX stats was amusing, because of a back-and-forth @Malrex and I had a years or so ago. Saying the US was sending the cavalry was a mild ribbing, at best. Grow up a bit, eh? Are we not men?

Are you ready for the red pill Neo? Or would you prefer to go back to your 9-5 job and dreary apartment?
There's a lot of info out there now for all to see since Musk freed X for the censors last year. I honestly believe the left just got its culture-war narrative bubble burst and hoped for some curiously about an obvious blind-spot. These radical announcements from Trump are a reflection of where the Overton window has moved in the past year. Shocking, the MAGA/MAHA movement has become a "big tent" and now contains former democrats, union working-class, classical liberals, and libertarians---all of whom are fed up with a corrupt government run by-and-for an oligarchy with faux-Marxist, anti-western slogans for the lower-classes while they built the totalitarian state-machine. Old party identifiers lost all meaning. Populist reactions are happening in Europe & South America too (Netherlands, Argentina, ElSalvador, etc.). More than anything, we the people were desparate for truth and justice in an empire of lies and lawfare. It was amazing to watch it coalesce in real-time. The victory was almost beyond hope because of the massive systemic forces (75% of the nation's wealth, 80% of legacy media bias) arrayed against the common man (ALWAYS labeled "far-right" extremists by the State Propaganda). Mark my words: history will denote this as a (non-violent!) 2nd American Revolution, if it doesn't get crushed in the next year or two. A historic return to the principals of 1776 that once inspired the world.

Here's the pill. A repeat of the "Fine People Hoax" the media has been perpetuating for over 8 years by Obama 1 week before the election. This one wakes a lot of people up. There are about 50 similar media/regime hoaxes, easily disproved but commonly accepted.
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8, 8, I forget what is for
I mean, fuck me I hate the way anachronistic steam punk snuck into my favourite fantasy worlds (I'm looking at you, Terry Pratchett and Joe Abercrombie...), but a wizard lair in a steam city does seem like a real opportunity for mad science... steam spewing constructs and such. An evil factory floor producing an army of automated evil. Massive steam powered generators gathering energy for something huge and destructive. That sort of ting.
Suddenly I'm thinking Fritz Lang's Metropolis as an aesthetic.

I am not sure how the Ignore function works, if Squeen can see what I write or not.
Their posts no longer appear in the feed, and quotes of their posts have a spoiler button telling you that the quote is from an account you are ignoring. But they can still see your posts, and quote them or reply to them. It's like what is now being done on X-Twitter, they can still dunk on you, but you won't see that it is happening. Not that it's really a problem on this forum, there are so few users.

But I'm a Bluesky convert, so I'm now in favour of the nuclear block.


My my my, we just loooove to hear ourselves don't we?
Their posts no longer appear in the feed
He just dropped a real doozy of a post parroting some hard/alt-right talking points (and literally used the term "red pill" unironically), and then a gif making fun of you for not being able to read his posts; be thankful that you can't see it.

@squeen What are you doing man? What do you hope to accomplish here?


8, 8, I forget what is for
@squeen What are you doing man? What do you hope to accomplish here?
A mild shove to folk whom I like (brothers on the internet, if you will) towards an awakening, because I see a chance for some real prosperity for all ahead --- after a dark time easily as culturally shitty, contentious, and depressing as the late 1970s (by design). It's a big tent now, and I'm inviting you all to shake off the divisive gloom and doom programing that's being beamed at you by an 80-year-old dying almost-tyranny, and get excited about a future cultural renaissance. Hop on the crazy train! There's room for everyone. GenX knows: the 80's were AWESOME.

(Did you hear we're even going to Mars?!?)
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8, 8, I forget what is for
In more important news, the cover of my orange idol PHB is starting to tear, after only 45 years of regular use, being stuffed in backpacks, etc. To preserve it for posterity, I am forced to use the shitty blue wizard cover PHB that I have no idea where/how/why I got it. I am sadz.

Meanwhile, the spine of my DMG survived its replacement duct tape surgery, some years ago, and is still going strong.


8, 8, I forget what is for
In more important news, the cover of my orange idol PHB is starting to tear, after only 45 years of regular use, being stuffed in backpacks, etc. To preserve it for posterity, I am forced to use the shitty blue wizard cover PHB that I have no idea where/how/why I got it. I am sadz.
I replaced my blue PHB with the older (we're calling this orange?) PHB when I lost it in a flood a while ago. Gotta say, I kinda miss my blue, Easley wizard a lot... I guess it's what you grew up with, eh.


8, 8, I forget what is for
I replaced my blue PHB with the older (we're calling this orange?) PHB when I lost it in a flood a while ago. Gotta say, I kinda miss my blue, Easley wizard a lot... I guess it's what you grew up with, eh.
The idol is orange, the rest of the cover is kind of a dark grey-green.

My MM is also starting to go. The pages are so old they are brittle and starting to crack. Now that I think about it, it is on its way to being unusable. I'm going to have to track down a new one.


My my my, we just loooove to hear ourselves don't we?
Meanwhile, the spine of my DMG survived its replacement duct tape surgery, some years ago, and is still going strong.
Yeah the spine of my AD&D DMG fell off too. It's held together with white string and rusting staples - part of the original binding. My PHB and MM are still strong, except for a little vandalism by childhood bullies.

The Heretic

Should be playing D&D instead
I replaced my blue PHB with the older (we're calling this orange?) PHB when I lost it in a flood a while ago. Gotta say, I kinda miss my blue, Easley wizard a lot... I guess it's what you grew up with, eh.
My PHB, DMG, and Unearthed Arcana started falling apart from overuse in the late eighties. It was actually convenient, the former two lost pages in some fortuitous places (the to hit charts, saving throw charts, etc), so I didn't mind too much.

I had the Easley set, so yeah I prefer them to the originals.

Being the Heretic I am, I haven't used them in YEARS. They are fun to look at. I brought out the MM earlier this year because of this board (I forget what we were discussing).

The Heretic