Two orcs

Officially better than you, according to PoN
very cool. Sounds a bit like you have to play frequent Advanced Accountants & Actuaries sessions though?
Depends which parts you want to engage with. The players set sail for the next biggest city in the world when they found their first magic dagger to be able to sell it and since then the campaign has been centered there. In practice it looks like this:
Ref: OK, after spending a week recuperating it's April 3rd.
Players: That's a new month! We'll try finding a buyer for the Crown of Sleep (50,000gp) again.
Ref: OK, roll d100.
[players fail the roll for the 20th consecutive month]
Players: We're never getting rid of this.

Two orcs

Officially better than you, according to PoN
Note there is a huge adventure waiting for them if they offer the Crown back to its rightful owners but they're so deep in sunk cost (in time) they'll never relent.


8, 8, I forget what is for
I assume you've broadcast in some way to the PC's that the original owners of the dagger are looking for it?

Two orcs

Officially better than you, according to PoN
I assume you've broadcast in some way to the PC's that the original owners of the dagger are looking for it?
The dagger was sold right away. It's the Dwarven Crown of Sleep they've been trying to liquidate for literal in game years (and they've had dealings with the dwarves and sold them minor artifacts recovered, but they know the dwarves don't have cash on hand and probably aren't interested in helping them restore their former place in this part of the world). Biggest actual treasure they've managed to turn liquid was a 100,000gp sword, the presumably not lost imperial regalia they restored and essentially got a running "expense account" as agents for the emperor, the first 100,000gp without questions asked.


Should be playing D&D instead
I run ACKS which gives you 100% for item sales (and ACKS has a comprehensive system for determining item value which is often very high) but only if you haven't used the item to your benefit. This is balanced by the fact that the economic simulation of ACKS means it's really difficult to sell the good stuff, few people want to buy magic gear for 25,000gp a pop when they have mercenaries and luxuries to pay for (chance of successful sale of item over 10,000gp is 10% per month in a Metropolis, my players have been trying to pawn off a dwarven crown for over an in-game year).
This is where barter and favors/exchanges come in, in my campaigns: do X mission and we'll pay for your level 4 and 5 training costs; we'll restore your lost levels if you perform a favor in the future; we'll take your 2 +1 swords, +1 splintmail, and that +1 sling and give you a +2 mace and a +1 short sword. Etc.
