
Should be playing D&D instead
For rat hole did you draw in white on a black background

I tried this with the scratch paper before and can't make sense of keeping figures clear with so much negative space


8, 8, I forget what is for
For rat hole did you draw in white on a black background

I tried this with the scratch paper before and can't make sense of keeping figures clear with so much negative space

I drew it in black ink in an 8x10 notebook (Carlson paper for ink). I used both a dip pen with Hunt 102 (fine) nib and a Japanese brush pen for larger fill.

However, after it was pretty much finished, I went back with a white Jelly Roll pen and fixed some things.

Citing these fancy tools makes it sound like I knew what I was doing. On the contrary, I was just feeling my way through it the whole time and ended up pulling out nearly everything I owned in my art toolbox.

Scritch-scratch-paint/pause over 3 days.

I have never used scratch board to date.


Should be playing D&D instead
Your getting better!

Did Prince ever get back to you about NAP

Is great to see your style evolve, your ready! Do it


8, 8, I forget what is for
Thank you! My problem is I can't commit to a schedule at the moment. My time comes in unreliable spurts. The Roper was a fanatic and loose 30 minutes when I was suppose to be doing drywall! If it was intended to be a legit publication, I would never let it go with so many flaws. It would honestly take me weeks of fussing.
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8, 8, I forget what is for
Did Prince ever get back to you about NAP

Is great to see your style evolve, your ready! Do it
I did it. Gonna see what Prince sends me for guidance.

Here's an absent minded ball-point doodle of some primitive huntress I did yesterday. She's got some very indistinct hands and a tad too much ennui, but I liked the physical "weight" of the posture and load.
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8, 8, I forget what is for
I take it Prince got back to you? Would be awesome to see your stuff in the collection
He did, and I now have some copies of a couple of the adventures to inspire me & make me feel guilty about not working on.

It's all your fault.


8, 8, I forget what is for
I should be working on NAP. Instead, I decided to draw a troll crawling up out of a hole (the perspective needs some improvements).

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8, 8, I forget what is for
I picked up a colored pencil at lunch today, hoping to depict two adventurers sized correctly with respect to each other.

I ended up at a cosplay pool party (Adventures Beneath the Playboy Mansion?).

Even after a few years at this, it's still the case that more than half the time I still don't know WTF I'm trying to do.

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8, 8, I forget what is for
Thank you! I have a half dozen notions of how I would redo it to add some more oomph. Someday...


My my my, we just loooove to hear ourselves don't we?
Your stuff has really shown improvement squeen. A lot of it looks like professional-level stuff at this point. Good job!


My my my, we just loooove to hear ourselves don't we?
Everyone has off days. But the fact that you've already made all the stuff you've posted here shows that you have plenty of "on" days too.


8, 8, I forget what is for
Ambush Outside the Dungeon

Started this one in the airport, waiting for my flight. Paper was too small for fine detail, so I got lazier as it got muddier.
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