I fogot to add, "yes. please" to this offer. I think it would be very interesting.
Alright Kellerin's Rumble. This was my first city adventure ever...very intimidated by the idea, yet as I wrote it, I realized city adventures were damn fun and they kept growing all by themselves......which has made me write City of Vermilion which I'm going to kickstart next month or so for art...shit am I advertising again?
Anyways, wrote this adventure for my Patreon. I decided to make it free to give people an idea of what they would get by signing up to my Patreon (not sure that method worked at all, but another experiment at advertising). I threw it up on Dragonsfoot forums as a freebie, and threw it up on Drivethrurpg as PWYW. This is what happened:
Dragonsfoot--I don't have a timeline for it, but currently, it has 452 downloads. Wow...cool! No comments, no nothing...just people running for the free stuff. A comment or shout out would of been nice...seriously...it's like gold to small time publishers...but whatever, hope people used it and enjoyed it.
My Patreon--I think I made 12$ from my loyal patreon fans....fucking love these guys and gals.
Drivethrurpg--RELEASED: 8/2018--1 download--free
9/2018--1 download--free
The above is from 0 advertisements...It was a freebie so I didn't waste any time on it. I put it up there all quiet like.
10/2018--Bryce reviews it.....197 downloads...holy shit!! I was wondering wtf was going on at work because my phone was blowing up. This goes to show that Reviewers can blow shit up for you if it's good. Even if bad--it may still get some traffic. And even if horrible, it may still get some traffic and some views.....
Fast forward to today:
2083 page visits--meaning people clicked on the title to check it out
345 downloads both free and non/free (with Dragonsfoot thats a total of 797 downloads!..but...was it read and used? Did people value it other than Squeen?)
47 people chipped in a few bucks. Suggested price was 5$. Average price was $3.19. There was a few people who threw in 5$. God bless em...ya, you know who you are!
33 people have it in their wishlist
2 people have it in their shopping carts.
1 person bought it on Merciless Merchant store (thanks Squeen).
It got 4 ratings--1 five star, 1 four star, and 2 three stars. Average 3.8 stars--not bad. Got "Best" from Bryce--good enough for me!
Total cost to create Kellerin's Rumble--hmm..50-60 hours of my time..? Somewhere in there...Total art cost--64$--which is an average of each stock art pic being 4$ so could be +/- here.
Gross Sales: $181.76.....then Drivethrurpg takes its cut...
Total Profit: $97.42
Subtract the art....--97.42-64 =
Buy pizza and a 6 pack and on to the next adventure!
Without Bryce's review, I may of gone hungry and been sober (thanks Bryce).
Let's compare that to my other PWYW--Special Area: The Ranger's Hideout (look for Special Area: Druid, and Special Area: Bard soon...shameless plug). This adventure was one of my firsts...and never got a review. I actually cringe a bit looking at it, as the layout is atrocious with the pictures, but I was learning and I think its a decent lil adventure....and its free so stop yer bitchin.
This was released in 5/8/17.
4,740 page visits (It was out longer than Kellerins, pretty decent traffic)
268 downloads--cool!
18 people chipped in a few cents/bucks.
Average Price--$1.94
Gross Sales--$34.92--then Drivethru takes its cut
Total Profit: $23.78
Art price--roughly $80. I went bonkers with art...and it's in color!
Subtract the Art=
1 Review and ranking of 5 stars! Fuck yeah--I'll take it!
I actually had this whole adventure in my head and blew it out in about 12 hours though, so not a ton of time wasted---but no time is wasted because this is all for fun anyways....right? Right!
BUT...this is why I laugh/question when people tell publishers to get an editor. So I should throw down another $60-200+ for an editor to make -$256.22?? No thanks. If you want an editor--do a Kickstarter. When I have hired an editor, I got lucky and barely broke even with some of my later adventures after art. I really wanted to see if it made a difference in sales--it didn't, but admittedly, the writing is better.
Summary--PWYW is good for getting purchaser's emails so you can announce new products on Drivethru and start to get a customer base. But not very good if you are hoping to break even or make a profit...it's chancy. Plus some people throw in 5 cents, then give you a 3 star rank, which brings down your WHOLE average of everything you put out. That makes it pretty risky for people just to be an asshole (or maybe they were really unhappy with it, but since both happened in same day, seemed pretty suspicious). If everyone pitched in a 1$ or something I would do it more often, but DP mentioned that going through the process is a pain in the ass so I get it (which makes you wonder about those dudes who throw in 5 cents...).
This has just been my experience, may be different for others. Got to do this shit for fun people!