Here's wolf attempt #2. Quick-sketched last night in 2 minutes at the kitchen table, sitting next to my daughter (who was drawing a horse) and stealing her blue colored-pencil. This morning, I pumped up the contrast a bit in GIMP and layed in a a soft-focus background using the usually chicanery.
I know it's not winning any awards with the John Birch Society, but I think it's a big improvement over attempt #1. After scribbling the previous monstrosity, I realized I wasn't getting the canine leg-structure correct,
at all. I should really sit down and look at some decent photo references, but it's fun seeing how good my mental image is without the cheat-codes.
Still more Husky than
chessmaster, but closer---and probably good enough for amateur D&D art where the wolves are just there to make pull out your sword! We've left the Dark Woods too---scene veered to the A
rctic on me. Probably because I just finished reading my freshly arrived copy of Melan's excellent
From Beneath the Glacier. I am not the master of my own subconscious....and when it comes to sketching, I've learned it's better to just go with it.
@Beoric : I know.
Totally a Pokeman canidate. Sue me.