Start with the culture the treasure was constructed in, helps set the mood and helps with creativity. Tasteful or tasteless? Obsessed with 2 colors or some material? Abstract or particular motifs? Jewelry or practical objects? Is the value mostly in the material or the amount of work it took to make it?
This is a really great way to jump-start your brain. I'm going to try it. I have run into a few associated issues, e.g. one man's (culture's) treasure is anothers garbage. So how many gp is it worth? Also, I tend to think that the average serf is on the silver standard and 100gp is a fortune --- so who's got money to buy non-monetary treasure from the party?
Lastly, Is there a good random table of interesting luxury items somewhere?
Don't think that's too busy at all. I love the roots!
You've definitely got to fool around with your labeling to make it stand out more though (outline/glow). I maybe maaaaybe might have skipped the pencil fill and done the fill digitally so as to avoid the scribbles and smudges.
Did you use blue graph paper? It looks like you managed to filter out some but not all of it.
I think it's two things that went wrong. The shading and the line weights.
The former got weird because I've been trying something new --- printing on a heavy (58-lb) photo paper and then inking. I just discovered two weird things about that: (1) the laser printer toner doesn't stick well to the non-shiny side, and (2) the smooth side doesn't shade like normal paper. I had to use an 8B pencil to get anything beyond a mild grey.
The line weights got messed up because the scale was too small for the heavier pen I used.
Live and learn, I guess.
Also, I had the grid on a seprarte layer and only dissovled part of it in the hopes it would save the shading. Another bad call.
Are we talking about generating items for interesting lists or are we talking about adding cool stuff to a drawing here? Either way a good start is to begin collecting a library of reference images every time you wander down the internet rabbit hole.
Holy Tutankhamun Batman! I hadn't even thought about
drawing the treasure yet!
That's it! No more treasure for my players.